Sunday, June 2, 2013

What's in a name?

I have started receiving schedules, curriculum and most recently a class list from the school where I will be teaching.  I was very excited to see my class list and read through the names.  As I started reading I thought, oh man, this is going to be tough, but I tried my best as I read down the list and tried to pronounce the names.  I immediately had a vision of myself on the first day of school attempting to take attendance.  One by one, I butchered their names as I went down the list, leaving each one a bloody mess as it rolled off my tongue.  But listen to how good God is.  I am reading down the names and I get to the biggest one.  It's Sereywattanak.  But just to the right is a column of nicknames.  Guess what Sereywattanak's nickname is?  JIMMY!  Thank goodness, I can do this!