Thursday, October 24, 2013

Three Wishes

We had story problems for math homework this week.  The problems were all worded about wishes and at the bottom of the page there was a bonus question that had nothing to do with the math.  It said, "If you were given 3 wishes, what would you wish for?"  I was quickly scanning the homework, but then I noticed some of the things they wrote about.  By the way, I'm impressed that everyone wrote something, because back home many of the kids would have left it blank because it was an extra question and not part of the math lesson.

There was the usual.  I wish I was rich, a bigger room, a big house, 100 Barbie dolls....  Then there were some interesting responses.  "I wish I had a nice teacher."  That was from one of the brightest boys in class, but also one who likes to orate at inappropriate times.  "I wish Necru Khana and Miss Carson would be my teachers again."  Ok, now I feel affirmed.  "I wish I could stay with God." Mmm.  "I wish I was a shiny boy." "I wish I was cool."  I think your cool, buddy.  Especially when you spike up your hair a smile till your eyes disappear. "I wish everybody believed in God and I became very smart."  Those are both my wishes too, little man.  "I wish for my friends red eyes to get better."  Yes, we all hope the pink eye will go away.  "I wish that I can have a gold wing."  Just one will do, apparently.  "I wish that I can go to heaven."  You will my dearest.

And then this one.

I have a boy in my class.  He's new to our school this year, whereas most of the kids have been together for a few years.  He's a sweet kid.  I think he seems a little young for his age.  There's a gentleness or sweetness about him that I can't quite put words to.  He reminds me of one of my nephews a bit.  Anyway, I've already got a tender spot for him, then his first wish, "I wish more clever."  Ah, he pulled my heart strings with that one.  We'll work on it together my friend, and you will do just fine.

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